How to identify Organic in Europe?
Europe is way ahead of any markets when compared for the demand and management of Organic Products.
The European Organic Logo defines the standards for all Organic Products produced in the European Union.
Products labelled as "Organic" are those certified as having been produced through clearly defined organic production methods. In other words, "Organic" is a claim on the production process rather than a claim on the product itself.
The product line covered here is Food & Drink for European Markets.
Many countries in Europe promote and believe in Organic Farming methods and have dedicated departments helping and guiding the farmers across the country. From having more than 5 Certification Units to having certification only for export items, we have covered all the knowledge you need to understand how you can identify organic products.
For Europe

The main objective of the European Logo is to make Organic Products easier to be identified by the consumers. Furthermore, it gives a visual identity to the Organic Farming Sector.

"Euro-leaf" symbolizes the marriage of Europe & Nature
Europe (the stars from European Flag) & Nature (the stylized leaf and green color)
EU Leaf certified products bear a code which shows how an organic product can be traced from Farm to Fork.

Fresh Food - Fruits and Vegetables
The EU Leaf reassures that this product is in full conformity with the conditions & regulations for the Organic Farming Sector established by the European Union.
Processed Food - Bread, Pasta, Pulses + The EU Leaf confirms that at least 95% of the agricultural ingredients used in these are Organic.
Understanding of EU Leaf Certified Labels
The code number appears as: AB-CDE-999
"AB" is the ISO Code for the Country (where the control/ check takes place),
"CDE" is a term establishing a link with the Organic Production like "bio" or "eko"
"999" is the attributed reference number composed of 1 to 3 digits.
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